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Showing posts from December, 2017

Coffee= Better life

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Avila University Promise

Avila University promise! Fall of 2017 is the best Fall for US students here at Avila university in Missouri! Avila university is had a very amazing event. In the event Avila university president Ron addressed the new big programs and four promises. The first promise is that college affordability and confusion over college costs by decreasing the costs for 33% percent, which the US students are happy for that. Second promise is that in time graduation and student debt. The third, securing desirable experiences outside of the class room. And finally getting access to global perspectives. Those promises are really what any student need, and Most of the students at Avila University are positive in this transition however, the international student is not including in the transition so the international student seemed unhappy because they still going to pay the same rate which they feel sad. They think those promises should include all students specially when Avila University have more