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Showing posts from September, 2017


What amazing picnic! And what great celebration that have many activities. Avila university are starting its activities this semester, the Fall of 2017 with a very special event. AU KICKOFF celebration is one of the best events that Avila university do every term. The event Start at 11:30 with a free picnic that including a free food, ice cream, and candy. Secondly, and the most important and great is the student organization fair this part of the event includes many Good things, such as carnival booths, and a very amazing caricature artist which the students love, massage therapists which can help the students feel relaxed and ready to seat for a long time either in class or while studying, balloons artist which all the students and the instructors liked they made a very good characters with only balloons and what was special is that they made the Avila university’s eagle!, air brush t- shirts and hats the artist was very good on it this kind of things are amazing for either th